Opening Hours: 9am - 5pm


Fire Exit & Emergency Exit Lighting Signs

AFC Qualified To Service, Test & Maintain Exit and Emergency Lighting

Armidale Fire & Safety can supply, install and maintain your fire exit and emergency exit lighting and signs.

Fire Exit and Emergency lights and signs are an important aspect of safety in any building. In the event of fire, exit sign and emergency lights are crucial for the safe evacuation of people inside a building. It’s important that you can be confident your exit and emergency lights are working at all times. This is why we provide an assortment of high quality Emergency Exit Signs and Exit lights. These fire exit lights have their own power supply which allows them to mark the way out of a building in an emergency.

Like fire extinguishers, emergency exit lighting is required to be mains power tested in accordance with Australian Standard 2293 for 90 minutes on battery back up every six months. If exit lights are not regularly tested they will fail, and not be useful in the event of a fire. To ensure the safety of all occupants within your building, Armidale Fire & Safety are qualified to service, test and maintain all types of exit and emergency lighting.

Armidale Fire & Safety supply, install and maintain exit and emergency lighting and signs. We also carry an extensive selection of batteries, bulbs and replacement parts to keep your equipment working properly.