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Annual Fire Safety Statement and Certificates

Annual Fire Safety Statements (AFSS) Requirements

Where applicable, the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation (2000) requires building owners, to submit an Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS) for each building that was built or redeveloped after 1988.

From 1 July 2020 any AFSS now requires the building owner to engage a ‘NSW Accredited Practitioner (Fire Safety)’, to assess the fire safety measures within a building for their annual fire assessment towards completing the building’s AFSS. Under this legislation change, the Fire Protection Association of Australia has been granted the authority, on 1st July 2020 by the Secretary of the Department of Customer Service under section 59 of the Building and Development Certifiers Act 2018, to accredit persons as an Accredited Practitioner (fire safety) to undertake these annual fire assessments, under their Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme (FPAS).

Armidale Fire & Safety are recognised as a provider of choice with the Fire Protection Association of Australia and accredited to perform inspect & test work on fire protection equipment and systems and are listed as accredited Fire Safety Practitioners on the FPAS Accredited Practitioner Register.

What is an Annual Fire Safety Statement?

A Fire Safety Statement is a document that ensures that the essential fire safety measures of a building have been tested, are operational and maintained in accordance with the relevant Building Code of Australia (BCA) requirements and relevant Australian Standards. As of 1 December 2017, the Fire Safety Statement must be in the approved form and it must include the name, contact details and signature of the competent fire safety practitioner who carried out these inspections and assessments.

Checklist of Measures for Annual Fire Safety Statements

An Annual Fire Safety Statement states that each essential fire safety measure in the building has been assessed by an Accredited Practitioner (Fire Safety) in a Fire Safety Assessment and that each essential fire safety measure in the building was found to be capable of performing to a standard no less than that to which the measure was originally or subsequently designed.

Easy Steps to Fire Certification

  1. Detailed building inspections: One of our qualified technicians will conduct an assessment of the premises as per the fire safety schedule.
  2. Assessment of Safety Measures: Our highly experienced staff will service all essential fire safety measures and will compile a report of any defects discovered.
  3. Fire Safety Certification: After the overall inspection is completed and all equipment is deemed to be compliant, our team will prepare a Fire Safety Statement for the building owner.

What is a Fire Safety Schedule?

A Fire Safety Schedule specifies each of the essential fire safety measures that apply to the building premises, such as portable fire extinguishersfire hydrants & smoke alarms. The essential fire safety measures installed will vary for each building.

Why Have Essential Fire Safety Measures?

The Essential Fire Safety Measures in a building play a critical role in ensuring the safety of the occupants in the event of a fire and they must be maintained in accordance with relevant Australian Standards.

Armidale Fire & Safety are recognised as competent fire safety practitioners. Once appointed as your recognised fire safety practitioner we can inspect and assess your fire safety measures, and carry out any necessary repair or maintenance to ensure that all of the fire safety measures are fully maintained, operational and keeping you safe.

If it’s time for your building’s annual fire safety audit, give the team at Armidale Fire and Safety a call to find out more about how we can assist you with your fire safety needs.